Subscription FAQ

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How do I subscribe?

Subscribing is easy; it can be done while browsing on a product page. To get started, simply select the Subscribe option for your desired product, select your preferred shipment frequency and then check out as normal.

How do I make changes to my subscription?

Your subscription is easy to manage. You can change your next order date, select your frequency, or cancel a subscription by visiting ‘Manage Subscriptions’ located within your account.

What will happen after I subscribe to a product?

After you subscribe, you can access the Subscriptions section in MY ACCOUNT where you can manage your future orders, subscription items and account information.

We will place your subscription orders automatically according to your selected frequency, and you will only be billed on the day the order is processed. We will send you an email reminder before each subscription order. You will also receive email notifications regarding other important information related to your subscription account, such as if your item is discontinued or out of stock, if you cancel your subscription, and confirmation when an order is placed successfully.

I have more than one subscription. Can I combine them?

Subscriptions are placed on a “per item” basis. If you have more than one item that you subscribe to, you can determine the shipping frequency. For example, 30, 60 or 90 days. You can also schedule all items to ship on the same date if you wish. In most cases, this will mean your items from multiple subscriptions will ship together.

Can I put my subscription on hold?

You can “SKIP” a delivery for a subscription, schedule it for a future date or “CANCEL” it but we’re unable to put subscriptions on hold for an indefinite period of time.

How do I cancel my subscription?

If you wish to cancel, you can do so online at any time in the Subscriptions section of My Account. Select ‘Cancel’ on the subscription you would like to cancel, followed by the reason why. You will receive a confirmation email when your subscription has been canceled. CLICK HERE to log in to your account.

How do I view my future deliveries?

Your next scheduled orders will be listed in the Subscription section of My Account.


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We obsessively test every product lot to ensure we meet or exceed the strictest purity standards for environmental toxins and contaminants.

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