Healthy Science/ Fish Oil for Kids: What’s the right dose?

Fish Oil for Kids: What’s the right dose?

  • Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA play integral roles in children’s neurological and cognitive development, and support the normal function of cells throughout the body
  • Current EPA and DHA recommendations are too low to provide sufficient omega-3 support for all children—potentially putting them at risk for suboptimal health outcomes
  • 100 to 1500 mg EPA+DHA per day is the efficacious range for children 1-8 years of age
  • 100 to 2000 mg EPA+DHA per day is the efficacious range for children 9-13 years of age

Getting children to eat healthy is a familiar struggle for many parents—and often a losing battle at that. We all know that kids need adequate nutrients to function well, but knowing which nutrients they need (and importantly, how much they need) is often a different story. Fortunately, scientists have done most of the legwork for us.

Decades of research has established the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for children’s neurological and cognitive development, immune health, and overall well-being.1 However, despite their importance for children’s health, recent data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the EPA and DHA intakes of American children are well below recommended levels.2 As a result, American children are at risk for a number of suboptimal health and developmental outcomes.1

EPA and DHA are necessary for normal growth and development

Childhood is characterized by periods of rapid growth and development. Because EPA and DHA are foundational nutrients that take part in many of the structural and functional activities occurring within cells, they are considered necessary for normal growth and development. (See “An Introduction to Omega-3 Fats” for more information on the effects and benefits of omega-3s.) The significance of obtaining sufficient EPA and DHA during childhood is illustrated by research studies showing positive benefits when omega-3s are abundant in supply, and negative consequences when omega-3 levels are lacking.1,3

For example, adequate omega-3 levels help support children’s physical, cognitive, and social development by promoting:

  • normal brain and central nervous system function,1,4
  • a healthy immune response and respiratory wellness,5
  • focus and attention regulation,6,7 and
  • cognitive skills and learning.8,9

Current omega-3 dosage recommendations for children are too low 

Given their importance for cellular and developmental health, a number of health organizations provide recommendations for daily omega-3 fatty acid intake.10 These recommendations tend to vary by organization, but typically suggest that adults receive a minimum of 500 mg of EPA+DHA a day, and children receive 150 to 250 mg of EPA and DHA a day.10 However, these recommendations are based on clinical trials using conservative amounts, when more recent research indicates that higher doses, which are well tolerated by children, can be more efficacious for specific health benefits6,11,12

Also, because a number of factors can impede children’s ability to synthesize omega-3 fatty acids (and thus the amount of EPA and DHA needed to maintain cellular health) doses as low as 150 mg to 250 mg, which can be efficacious, may not necessarily have the most significant impact on health outcomes of most children, compared to higher doses. (For a more detailed discussion of factors impeding omega-3 synthesis and issues concerning dosage, see Omega-3 Dosage: How much EPA and DHA should I take?).

Evidence-based dosage recommendations for children 

In light of research showing that: 1) while lower doses can provide general health support, they are not necessarily the most efficacious doses for children for specific structure and function benefits,12 2) higher doses are well-tolerated by child and adult populations when used as intended,6, 11 and 3) sufficient EPA and DHA is necessary for normal growth and development, it stands to reason that children would benefit from consuming considerably higher doses than those currently recommended.1,2

More specifically, children ages 1 to 8 would benefit from taking up to 1500 mg of EPA and DHA per day, and children ages 9 to 13 would benefit from taking up to 2000 mg of EPA and DHA per day.13 Although getting your omega-3 fatty acids from food is preferable to supplements, fish or algae oil can provide a reliable source of EPA and DHA for picky eaters and children with limited access to fish. (See “An Introduction to Omega-3 Fats” for more information about omega-3 foods.) 

Made with kids in mind, Nordic Naturals offers a wide range of omega-3 supplements for kids and teens in a variety of tasty, easy-to-take forms, including soft gels, gummies and liquids.

Up to 1500 mg of EPA and DHA per day is supportive for most healthy children 1–8 years of age.

Doses up to 2000 mg of EPA and DHA are supportive for most children 9–13 years of age.

EPA and DHA are foundational nutrients that must be consumed through either food or supplements. The recent finding that American children consume significantly fewer omega-3s than current recommendations (which are already too low) may have long-lasting implications for children’s health and development.1,2 The only conclusive way to determine a child’s individual omega-3 needs is through blood testing and working with their doctor to establish an optimal dose. However, in the absence of testing, the available evidence suggests that up to 1500 mg of EPA and DHA a day is sufficient for children between the ages of 1 and 8, and up to 2000 mg of EPA and DHA is sufficient omega-3 support for healthy children between the ages of 9 to 13. 

While obtaining omega-3s from cold-water oily fish is valuable, most children either don’t like the taste of fish, or have limited access to it. Supplementing with high quality omega-3 products from Nordic Naturals can offer a more consistent, pure, and efficient way to meet your child’s daily needs.

FDA Disclaimer:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

General Notice & Disclaimer: 
This information is for educational purposes only. Always consult your health care provider if you have a known medical condition or are taking medications. The information provided herein is based on a review of current existing research; the presenter and sponsor do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information itself or the consequences from the use or misuse of the information. 


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